Be Confident

Make Your Body Odor Go Away
Frelsi Natural Deodorant Spray
Shop NowFeatures
FRELSI is a special formulated deodorant spray for those sweating a lot.
FRELSI is a special formulated deodorant spray
for those sweating a lot.
100% Natural Ingredients
MRET Water & Potassium Alum as ingredients, to inhibit the growth of bacteria from invading the body.
100% Natural Ingredients
MRET Water & Potassium Alum
as ingredients, to inhibit the growth
of bacteria from invading the body.
Last For 24 Hours
Apply after shower,
keep you fresh all day long.
Last For 24 Hours
Apply after shower,
keep you fresh all day long.
Sensitive Skin Friendly
Aluminium free, unscented,
non-sticky, does not cause itching.
Sensitive Skin Friendly
Aluminium free, unscented,
non-sticky, does not cause itching.
"FRELSI" is an Iceland term,
which stands for "freedom."
It enables those who have body odor to be
free mentally and physically,
while gaining more confidence!
"FRELSI" is an Iceland term, which stands for "freedom."
It enables those who have body odor to be free mentally and physically,
while gaining more confidence!
Our Best Seller
Frelsi Natural Deodorant
Bottle 100ml x3
Frelsi Natural Deodorant
Mini 20ml x6
Frelsi Natural Deodorant Mini 20ML x 6
Shipping Msia below RM80
West – RM8 | East – RM15
1. No body odor for 24 hours
2. No stain on clothes
3. Doesn’t clog sweat pores like aluminum in normal antiperspirants
4. Unscented
5. Alcohol Free
Frelsi Natural Deodorant
Bottle 100ml x3
Frelsi Natural Deodorant Bottle 100ML x 2
Frelsi Natural Deodorant Mini 20ML x 1
Shipping Msia below RM80
West – RM8 | East – RM15
1. No body odor for 24 hours
2. No stain on clothes
3. Doesn’t clog sweat pores like aluminum in normal antiperspirants
4. Unscented
5. Alcohol Free
No Risk
Resend / Return & Refund
No Risk
Resend / Return & Refund
Our aimed is to ensure our customers' satisfaction on our products.
If there are products defect when you receive the item,
you can contact us via email.
Please refer to Refund Policy.
Our aimed is to ensure our customers'
satisfaction on our products.
If there are products defect
when you receive the item,
you can contact us via email.
Please refer to Refund Policy.